Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ginger Latte, Sushi breakfast, and Coffee.

So, when we were checking in, I had noticed that Ginger lattes were a thing on the menu. So I got up early(ish) the next morning and ordered one.

Since I wasn't sure when my traveling companions would be ready, I got it in a takeaway container.

Instagram stardom, here I come.

Here's the important part: that ginger latte?  DELICIOUS.  It is basically exactly what I want whenever I want a latte with some sweetness to it.  The taste was warm and gingery and also had a little bit of spicy kick that I found captivating.   I realized right away that I'd be getting one each morning we were here.

After the latte, my traveling companions came down and suggested the best possible idea for breakfast: Sushi.

Hotel Pacific, where we were staying is right next to Omicho market, a bustling fish market with a couple of sushi places that open for breakfast and buy directly from the vendors, so the fish is basically fresh and delicious and perfect.

Here's the important part, you can get two slices of fatty blue-fin tuna there for 700 yen.  About $3.25 per slice.  In the states each of those slices would run you about $15.  Each.

The sushi place has the cheap stuff that can last a few minutes before eating on a conveyor belt, but the tables are also served by a TRAIN SYSTEM.

See, you order this magical fish from a screen. . . .


Like. a real little train.  Loaded with the best fish.  How even.
I was delighted.

Long story short, we ate a ton of great fish.

I also ate one mediocre fish that I needed to check the box on.

This is フグ.  Aka "Fugu" in English.

This is the one that kills you if it's prepared wrong.

Clearly, I'm updating the blog, so, y'know, box checked, I guess.

Truthfully it's a pretty flavorless white fish with a slightly rubbery texture.  Worth making sure I'd had it, so that I could tell you that information, but in the future given the opportunity I think I'll always pick more fatty bluefin tuna instead. 

After breakfast we went for coffee, because coffee.  There is a beautiful traditional coffee house that roasts its own beans near our hotel, so we wandered over there and sat at the bar and talked.

The coffee (I had one from Yemen) was delicious.

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