Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Vignettes of Edinburgh: Wojtek retired here!

 So, this is one of those delightful pieces of nonsense trivia that I love.

Soldiers are nonsense creatures that shouldn't be left unsupervised.

This has been proven many times over, certainly my own soldiers when I was a sergeant managed to remind me of this universal truth every day we were together (and some days we weren't).

But my 'Joes', as unruly as they got . . . well, at least they never bought a bear.

The Polish II Corp, which fought under British command during WW2 (the story of how that happened is wild and I highly recommend the wikipedia page for Ander's Army if you want the weird details) on their way through Iran en route to Italy, bought a bear.

His name was Wojtek.

They brought him to the war with them.

He traveled with them throughout the campaign, was enlisted to help pay for his rations (as a Private, but promoted to Corporal eventually!) and he even helped carry ammunition crates in at least one key battle!

I have known about Wojtek for a long time, but I had forgotten this bit about what happened after:

And when the war was over and the Polish II corps was being dissolved, his company was brought to Scotland, and he retired as a resident of the Edinburgh zoo, where he lived to the ripe old age of 21. 

And for that reason, he has a memorial in the park here!

So of course we had to visit that.

Thanks Wojtek.  Any artillery aimed at Nazis deserves all the help it can get.

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