Sunday, June 14, 2009

Silly Dice Maze, GO!

On Sunday, we did almost nothing.

Mac had a little work to do, so I got to see the small office he shares with several other guys, and help shred a little paper (hurray personal information).

Aside from that, we played the crap out of some video games. The quote in question comes from a really remarkable (EDIT) Sega Genesis title, Gunstar Heroes, which is exactly as epic as it sounds. All the main characters are named after colors, and when you go to fight one of the villians, named black, your entire briefing is "Black has built a silly dice maze. GO!"

So we went. We beat the game, ran some more errands, and watched Punisher, Warzone, after dinner. Apparently it's big here, because I'm seeing it for sale in the street a lot, and the hostel in Seoul where I'm staying now has a copy already.

Basically though, it was a down day, and that was nice.

Tomorrow: Soup for all seasons (woof, woof?).

1 comment:

Mac said...

*Sega Genesis title